Friday, September 18, 2009

Bible Study 9/16/09

An Overview of the Bible
Lesson 2

I. Historical:
A) Title: Taken from Greek versions, “departure” (Exodus 19:1)
B) Author: Moses (17:14; 24:4; 34:27; Mark 12:26)
C) Date: Exodus occurred in 1446 B. C. (1 Kings 6:1 (966 + 480=1446)); Moses wrote it between his 40th and 120th year (Exodus 7:7; Deuteronomy 34:7); Exodus covers a period of almost 1 year (Exodus 12:18; 16:1; 19:1; 40:17)

II. Thematic: Exodus continues the history of Israel’s bondage in Egypt and deliverance. It also reveals God’s fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant (Genesis 12:1-3, 7).

III. Christological:
A) Redemption (Exodus 1-18; 6:6; 15:13; 4:23; 7:16; Romans 6:11) and Revelation (19-40)
B) Typology of Moses (Hebrews 3:5, 6)
C) Exodus (Luke 9:31)
D) Passover (Exodus 12; 1 Corinthians 5:7)
E) Ratification of the Covenant (Exodus 24:8; Luke 22:20)
F) Covenant Community (Exodus 19:5,1 Peter 2:5, 9)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Today's Outreach

A conviction of God's sovereignty in salvation is a tremendous incentive to evangelize. An understanding that it is the power of God alone that draws sinners to Himself (John 6:44) and not the ability of man, neither the sinner's will nor the evangelsit's ability, is motivation to share the gospel as we rest in God's purpose to make alive and open the hearts. Today, I had the opportunity to give away Vietnamese Bibles at a couple of businesses owned by Vietnamese people. I came away thinking that I did not get very far in our discussion of Christ, but assured that the Bibles I left them may be effectual to their conversion if God inclines their hearts to open and read.So today I pray:

"God, I ask of you to open the hearts and give a saving interest of Christ and your word to the Vietnamese people I talked to today. May the Bibles that are on their desks be opened and read and prove mighty in convicting their hearts of sin and revealing Jesus Christ to their minds and hearts. I know your Spirit can prove to be irresistable. May your will be done in Christ. Amen."

Ephesians 2:19-22

Reconciliation’s Product, An International Community
Ephesians 2:19-22

I. Fellowcitizens with the saints (19)
Fellow: citizens, disciples, heirs, helper(s), labourer(s), prisoners, servant, soldiers, workers

II. Household of God (19)

III. A Holy Temple (20-22)

Reconciliation (Ephesians 2:11-18)

I. The Gentiles Former State (11, 12)
II. Reconciled By Christ, Before God and To One Another (13-17)
III. God's Open Door Policy (18)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bible Study (9-9-09)

Historical, Thematic, and Christ-centered Perspectives from the Books of the Bible
Lesson 1

I. Historical
A) Name: Genesis follows the Greek translation’s title meaning ‘origin.’
B) Date: Written during the 15th century B. C. as Israel journeyed in the wilderness. Genesis covers a historical time period that extends beyond 2000 years, ending with Joseph’s death in Egypt around 1800 B. C.
C. Author: Moses (Matthew 8:4; Luke 16:29)

II. Thematic: “These are the generations…”
A) Introduction 1:1-2:3
B) 2:4-4:26 ‘of the heavens and the earth’
C) 5:1-6:8 ‘of Adam’
D) 6:9-9:29 ‘of Noah’
E) 10:1-11:9 ‘of the sons of Noah’
F) 11:10-11:26 ‘of Shem’
G) 11:27-25:11 ‘of Terah’
H) 25:12-25:18 ‘of Ishmael’
I) 25:19-35:29 ‘of Isaac’
J) 36:1-37:1 ‘of Esau’
K) 37:2-50:26 ‘of Jacob’

III. Christ-centered:
A) Genesis 3:15---Romans 16:20
B) Paradise Lost (Genesis 3:16-19, 23, 24)---Paradise Regained (Revelation 21-22)
C) Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 12:3; 18:8; 22:18; 26:4; 28:14---Galatians 3:8, 16, 29)
D) Genealogies (Genesis 5; 11:10-26---Matthew 1:1-16; Luke 3:23-38)
E) Melchizedek (Genesis 14:18-20---Hebrews 7)
F) Adam & Christ (Romans 5:12-21; 1 Corinthians 15:22; 45-49)
G) Shiloh (Genesis 49:10; Ephesians 2:14)